Weeping Water Public Schools is a PK-12 Class D-1 Public School with an approximate enrollment of 300 plus students in grades K-12. Weeping Water utilizes a 4 day school week with students off most Mondays of the school year. Offering a wide range of curriculum and a 1-to-1 technology program integrated in the classroom, we are committed to providing an environment in which all students have the opportunity to experience success. WeepingWater High School also offers a comprehensive activity program for students to experience. Navigation of this website will allow readers to find out more about Weeping Water High School.

Weeping Water Public Schools also expects all students, staff, and patrons to conduct appropriate behavior while attending our school and all events. All people are expected to follow our code of conduct to be which can be accessed form this link below, please click on it to open it.





Hands, feet, objects to self Emergency procedures are followed
Keeps walkways clear Walks only
*Sits in chairs the correct way with all four chair legs on the floor.
*Outside doors remain closed and locked. Not allowing others to enter.
*Cleans up after self/reports spills
*Keeps moving and stays to the right in hallways
*Uses caution when opening doors


* Completes work in a timely fashion
Does quality work Demonstrates school pride
* Takes responsibility for choices and action
Uses time wisely Uses resources * Listens
* Participates
* Asks appropriate questions
* Keeps an open mind
* Develops study skill


Attends class daily Is punctual * Limits time out of class to a minimum

* Takes care of personal needs quickly


* Uses polite, mannerly words to peers and adults

* Shows respect for property

* Gracefully accepts instructions and suggestions

* Plays fair

* Displays good hallway etiquette

* Comes prepared for class

* Uses problem-solving skills and strategies

* Uses proper language

* Follows classroom expectations

* No electronic devices, unless directed by teacher

* Listens to others

* Water only, no food unless directed by teacher

* Addresses all staff as they wish to be addressed